Rumi Sufi

The World is Built on Love
It is a very happy moment to say that everything in this world is built on love. If there is not love there is nothing. Everything lives because of love. When animals love each other there is a fruit of that love. When human beings love each other, there is a fruit of that love. 

I tried to buy one cherry tree and they told me I need two. Is that not correct? Th ey told me, “You must buy two.” “No, I want just one.” “Yes, but you need a male and a female, if they are not near each other, they will not produce fruit.” 

If love is made the focal point of the world, everything in the world can be balanced. Everything in this world comes from love. To have a balanced life you must have love. Also in religion you must have love.

Jews loved Moses they followed him. Christians loved Jesus they followed him. Muslims loved Muhammad, they followed him. Th is is our belief. By love we build communities. We build ourselves, by love we build our eternal life.

Without love we create confusion. We create wars, we create fights, we create violence. And for what? For 60-70 years, we live and then pass on. Our Lord did not send us to fi ght. We are not taking anything with us. We leave it all behind. They put you in a coffi n, close it, and put you in the grave. What is leftbehind after that? If people loved you, during your life, that is for you - they pray for you. If they did not like you, they talk bad about you. Th ere are two ways with no third way.

There are only two ways. If you love those who are good, you succeed. If you love those who follow negativity, you lose.

In every religion there are those followers who are good and those who are not. And we hope these bad ones will one day move towards goodness, in order that we can live a happy life in this world. May God bless you and grant you from Divine Love. 

[Suhbat by Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani at Yuba City Mosque California on January 11, 2003 ]

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